
· 国际清真认证,国内清真认证机构,如何办理清真认证,清真认证

清真认证会遇到哪些问题呢?1. Do you produce products using pork or derivative in your factory? Yes □No □ If yes, you are NOT QUALI...




1. Do you produce products using pork or derivative in your factory? Yes □No □ If yes, you are NOT QUALIFIED for halal.您的工厂是否生产猪肉或其衍生品?如果是,国际清真认证,您将没有资格申请该产品的halal认证。

2. Do you produce products using animal meat or animal derivatives like beef, chicken, deer or mutton? If yes, site inspection must be done and cost of inspection is borne on to applicant and halal certificate for slaughter is needed. Yes □No □ 您的工厂是否生产像牛肉,如何办理清真认证,鸡肉,鹿肉或羊肉等动物肉或其衍生品?如果是,必须到工厂进行现场检查,所产生的费用由申请方承担,且需提供halal屠宰证明。

3. Do you use gelatin or capsule or collagen of animal origin in your products? If yes, please insert the halal certificate for each of them. Yes □ No □ 您的产品是否使用源于动物制成的明胶、胶囊或者胶原蛋白?如果是,清真认证,请附交它们的halal证书。

4. If your product is food product, does it contain alcohol exceeding 0.5%?If yes, we have to reject your application. Yes □No □如果您的产品是食品,它含有的酒精是否超过0.5%?如果是,国内清真认证机构,我们不得不否决您的申请。

5. Do you produce products using glycerine or its derivatives? Yes □No □If yes, please insert the halal certificate for each of them.您的产品是否使用甘油或其衍生品?如果是,请提供它们的halal证书。

6. Has the company ever applied for halal certification previously? Yes □No □If yes, please state the halal Agency that was previously applied to: 公司以前申请过halal认证吗?如是,请写出此清真认证机构的名称:

7. Has the factory ever been supervised before, either on a yearly basis or for a specific batch production for another buyer? Yes □No □If yes please state the halal Agency that was certifying: 生产工厂曾由清真认证机构监督过生产吗?如是,请写出此清真认证机构的名称。

8.Marketing type of your factory? 您的公司销售类型是什么?请标出Food Service (bulk)餐饮服务□ Retail零售□ Direct Marketing直复营销□ Industry实业□ Others其它____________

9. Geographic areas where product is/will be marketed. 认证的产品主要销往哪些国家或地区,请标出USA美国□Canada加拿大□Malayisa马来西亚□Indonesia印尼□Singapore新加坡□Saudi Arabia 沙特□UAE阿联酋□Egypt埃及□ Pakistan 巴基斯坦□Europe 欧洲 □Worldwide世界各地□Others其它_______

UBP Standard Limted (UBPS)由苏禄群岛、棉兰老岛和北婆罗洲(沙巴)于2014年10月3日批准成为代表他们的全球清真认证机构,并与苏禄婆罗洲群岛邦萨摩洛人民联盟苏丹国基金会合作。

UBPS 是一个由政府和非政府组织和yisilan当局认可的国际性及独立的清真认证国际机构,负责发证、控制、发展全球清真市场,受全球政府、非政府组织和yisilan认可。


